Guenole Cherot

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Email: ****t@ens-rennes.fr
Location: St-Malo, Brittany, France
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Last updated: 12/04/2024 08:19 AM
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Guenole Cherot is from St-Malo, Brittany, France. Guenole is currently PhD at École normale supérieure de Rennes, located in Bruz, Brittany, France.

You can find Guenole Cherot's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Guenole Cherot's current jobs
Title: PhD
Period: Sep 2020 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Bruz, Brittany, France

Co-optimisation du dimensionnement et de la gestion d'un réseau de distribution intégrant massivement des productions et des flexibilités distribuées. Application à un réseau métropolitain.

Guenole Cherot's Colleagues
Patrice Lavaud
Technicien d'exploitation, d'Assistance et Traitement de l'Information
Bruz, Brittany, France
Pierre Guillon
Ingénieur d'étude
Simon Monnot
Ingénieur recherche/développement
Bruz, Brittany, France
Anne-Sophie Lawniczak
Normalienne, Doctor in Economics, Aggregate in Law, Economy and Management
Bruz, Brittany, France
Aude Charpentier
Responsable Ressources Humaines-Concours-Scolarité
Bruz, Brittany, France
Guenole Cherot has 115 colleagues in total at École normale supérieure de Rennes. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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