Habab El Rufaie

Founder at Barkal
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LinkedIn: Habab E.
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Current employer: Barkal
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Last updated: 27/09/2023 07:48 AM
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Habab El Rufaie is from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Habab El works in the following industries: "Apparel & Fashion", and "Architecture & Planning". Habab El is currently Founder at Barkal.

You can find Habab El Rufaie's email address at FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Habab El Rufaie's current jobs
Company: Barkal
Title: Founder
Period: Oct 2016 - Present (8 years, 3 months)

Founded an e-commerce footwear label that introduces a contemporary line of gender-neutral, premium Italian leather footwear that fuses a timeless silhouette with a modern aesthetic. Responsible for entire business operations including but not limited to: Creative Direction Product Design and Development Supply Chain Management Analytics Finance Marketing

Habab El Rufaie's education
American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS)
Study Abroad
University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor's Degree
Habab El Rufaie's top skills
Rhino AutoCAD Metal Fabrication Rendering Vray Hand-rendering 3D Modeling Photoshop Revit Blogging Microsoft Office PowerPoint Model Making Woodworking Illustrator Adobe Creative Suite Microsoft Excel Hand Drafting Laser Cutting Architectural Design
Habab El Rufaie's Colleagues
Samir Salih
Fine Artist
hayrettin aydin
Habab El Rufaie has 2 colleagues in total at Barkal. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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