Hadiatu Dumbuya

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Hadiatu Dumbuya is from Detroit Metropolitan Area. Hadiatu is currently CEO at Professional International Basketball Network (ProIBN), located in Southfield, Michigan, United States. Hadiatu also works as CEO at HDC Management, LLC, a job Hadiatu has held since Jan 2007.

You can find Hadiatu Dumbuya's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Hadiatu Dumbuya's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Oct 2008 - Present (16 years, 3 months)
Location: Southfield, Michigan, United States

We are a player development website is focused on enhancing the lives of international basketball players during and after their careers overseas. We offer all purpose educational and development with five main divisions: inside information on teams, continuing education, internship placement, new company formation, and health and fitness.

Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2007 - Present (18 years)
Location: Southfield, Michigan, United States

HDC Management was founded by a group of industry professionals dedicated to developing an organization rooted in offering clients an unparalleled commitment to customer service and professionalism. Collectively we have over 17 years of experience and expertise in every aspect of marketing, public relations, meeting and event planning. Our corporate culture is derived from the notion of always being at our client’s service and doing what is necessary to achieve successful and measurable results. We strive to not only meet but exceed all of our clients escalating expectations. HDC Management is comprised of seven core operating divisions that are designed to work cohesively to offer provide a wide-ranging array of services. “allow us to piece your puzzle together” Our Clients: Chris Wilson (Washington Redskins) Qasim Basir "Moozlum" Tanya Wright "Butterfly Rising" Az Hakim Foundation Banco Capital Corporation Karizma Couture Advertising Distribution Systems Life-Time Independent Living Diva Exchange Fulani Fitness Robert Porcher III (retired NFL player)

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