Hal Thorne

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Location: Delray Beach, Florida, United States
Current employer:
GSky Plant Systems, Inc.
Current title:
Chairman & CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:04 AM
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Hal Thorne is from Delray Beach, Florida, United States. Hal is currently Chairman & CEO at GSky Plant Systems, Inc., located in Delray Beach, Florida, United States.

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Hal Thorne's current jobs
Company: GSky Plant Systems, Inc.
Title: Chairman & CEO
Period: Dec 2007 - Present (17 years, 1 month)
Location: Delray Beach, Florida, United States

GSky Plant Systems, Inc. (dba GSky) designs, installs and maintains vertical interior and exterior green walls. We have four systems: (1) Pro Walls primarily installed outdoors; (2) Versa Walls designed for indoor use utilizing 4"potted tropical plants; (3) a new Versa Wall XT system which uses 1 gallon potted plants for exterior use, and (4) the Basic Wall which is a vine screening system where design is not critical and larger, taller projects are contemplated. Our installations are in North America, the Middle East, Europe and Australia. We are in the process of introducing a new category called the Designer Series focused on products sold only through dealers and designers. These products will be in kit or pre-packaged form for use in home or office settings.

Hal Thorne's Colleagues
Finn Böttle
European Sales Manager
Delray Beach, Florida, United States
Deborah Kotalic
Director of Horticultural Design
Delray Beach, Florida, United States
Amy Kam
Supply Chain Manager
Delray Beach, Florida, United States
Lisa Schultz
MOBILE Design Specialist | GSky Brand Manager
Delray Beach, Florida, United States
Brent Bock
Director of Operations
Delray Beach, Florida, United States
Hal Thorne has 18 colleagues in total at GSky Plant Systems, Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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