Hanna W

Specjalista ds. Zakupów w firmie e-commerce / Product Manager / Supply chain / Buyer
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LinkedIn: Hanna W.
Location: Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland
Current employer: Beliani GmbH
Current title:
Kierownik działu zakupów
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:53 AM
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Hanna W is from Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland. Hanna works in the following industries: "Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage". Hanna is currently Kierownik działu zakupów at Beliani GmbH, located in Szczecin, woj. zachodniopomorskie, Polska. In Hanna's previous role as a Specjalista ds. importu at Prologistics Sp. z o.o., Hanna worked in Szczecin, woj. zachodniopomorskie, Polska until Apr 2012. Prior to joining Prologistics Sp. z o.o., Hanna was a Kreślarz CAD at Pomeranian Estate Agency Sp. z o.o. and held the position of Kreślarz CAD at Szczecin, woj. zachodniopomorskie, Polska.

Hanna W can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Hanna W's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Hanna W's current jobs
Company: Beliani GmbH
Title: Kierownik działu zakupów
Period: Apr 2012 - Present (12 years, 9 months)
Location: Szczecin, woj. zachodniopomorskie, Polska
Hanna W's past jobs
Company: Prologistics Sp. z o.o.
Title: Specjalista ds. importu
Period: Apr 2010 - Apr 2012 (2 years)
Location: Szczecin, woj. zachodniopomorskie, Polska
Company: Pomeranian Estate Agency Sp. z o.o.
Title: Kreślarz CAD
Period: Nov 2009 - Apr 2010 (5 months)
Location: Szczecin, woj. zachodniopomorskie, Polska
Hanna W's education
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
Magister inżynier (Mgr inż.)
2004 - 2009
Pierwsze Prywatne LO w Szczecinie
wykształcenie średnie pełne
1999 - 2004
Grundschule Gartz (Oder), Germany
2002 - 2002
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