Hanta Tiana Ranaivo Rajaonarisoa

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Location: Antananarivo, Madagascar
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:34 AM
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Hanta Tiana Ranaivo Rajaonarisoa is from Antananarivo, Madagascar. Hanta Tiana Ranaivo is currently Founder at FLORE AROMA Huiles Essentielles de Madagascar, located in Analamanga, Madagascar.

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Hanta Tiana Ranaivo Rajaonarisoa's current jobs
Title: Founder
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years)
Location: Analamanga, Madagascar

Driven by my love for my native country, Madagascar, enchanted by the many legends told about the powers of its plants and motivated with passion to highlight the benefits of essential oils, I wish to transmit this magic in a parapharmaceutical range. FLORE AROMA aims to make accessible products based on essential oils from Madagascar that help prevent diseases and improve personal hygiene. At its creation in 2011, FLORE AROMA developed mosquito repellents based on essential oils of citronella and pine to help fight against malaria, which is one of the main causes of death in Madagascar, but also in Africa. Since then, our R&D department has not stopped its efforts to develop quality products. All our products are developed in our laboratory in Madagascar with love and passion. Our objective is to contribute to our local community by committing to sustainable development in each of our approaches. We limit our impact on the environment by sorting and upcycling our waste and promote the employment of young people for their social and economic inclusion.

Hanta Tiana Ranaivo Rajaonarisoa's Colleagues
Maricela Quinteros
Gerente de gestiĆ³n
Analamanga, Madagascar
Hanta Tiana Ranaivo Rajaonarisoa has 1 colleagues in total at FLORE AROMA Huiles Essentielles de Madagascar. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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