Harlan Kilmon PMP Harlan

Company Owner at Good Thing Safe Path LLC
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Email: ****n@goodthingsafepath.com
Location: Alameda, California, United States
Current employer: Good Thing Safe Path LLC
Current title:
Company Owner
Last updated: 31/05/2023 18:01 PM
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Harlan Kilmon PMP Harlan is from Alameda, California, United States. Harlan is currently Company Owner at Good Thing Safe Path LLC, located in Alameda, California, United States.

Harlan Kilmon PMP Harlan's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Harlan Kilmon PMP Harlan's current jobs
Title: Company Owner
Period: May 2017 - Present (7 years, 8 months)
Location: Alameda, California, United States

I teach and consult within the disciplines of Business Communications, Project Management and Information Technology Service Management. My practice specialty is cultural adoption of new processes and technologies that are coupled with targeted, strategic management. My projects usually incorporate “hard skills” supported by a complex of “soft skills” to enable organizational development to achieve their aspirations in real and demonstrable ways. I created and utilize my method of “Good Thing, Safe Path” for optimized change management. My training specialty is teaching and mentoring candidates to sit for the Project Management Professional (PMP®) Certification exam.

Harlan Kilmon PMP Harlan's education
George Mason University
1976 - 1980
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