Harsh Jayesh Ruparel

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Email: ****
Location: Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Current employer:
CloudConnect Communications Private Limited
Current title:
Lead Solution Strategist
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:47 PM
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Harsh Jayesh Ruparel is from Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Harsh Jayesh is currently Lead Solution Strategist at CloudConnect Communications Private Limited, located in New Delhi, Delhi, India.

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Harsh Jayesh Ruparel's current jobs
Company: CloudConnect Communications Private Limited
Title: Lead Solution Strategist
Period: Mar 2020 - Present (4 years, 9 months)
Location: New Delhi, Delhi, India

Providing contractual services with CloudConnect gives me the opportunity to implement sales and distribution processes that create sustainable revenue growth. As part of this, I develop long-term business relations with stakeholders across regional and global markets and ensure that sales quotas are exceeded through my sales plan design and process improvements. I also reinforce the scope for sustainability by growing the capability of our solutions strategist sales team by providing peer mentorship.

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