Harshad Gupta

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Email: ****a@thoseinneed.in
Location: Delhi, India
Current employer:
Ecochirp Sustainability School
Current title:
Founder & Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Harshad Gupta is from Delhi, India. Harshad is currently Founder & Director at Ecochirp Sustainability School, located in Delhi, India.

You can find Harshad Gupta's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Harshad Gupta's current jobs
Company: Ecochirp Sustainability School
Title: Founder & Director
Period: Oct 2019 - Present (5 years, 3 months)
Location: Delhi, India

Ecochirp is a youth-led social enterprise working towards building the capacities of youth for the space of sustainability & climate action through cohort-based learning programs. Our programs are meant to let individuals become employable. Our mission is to create 1 lac professionals by 2030 for the sector through our interventions. We have worked with 10000+ youth from 50+ institutions spread across the nation through our capacity-building interventions which have also led to fruitful results. Some of our students have undertaken their community initiative or are working at the organizations. My role at Ecochirp revolves around - Strategy & Planning along with my team. Developed the strategic initiatives with our key partners at Ecochirp which would be eventually propelled up over a period of time - - Indian School of Sustainability & Leadership - Buymeaplant - Ecomentor Currently expanding our founding team to drive the growth for the new change coming at Ecochirp. If interested then do hit me up!

Harshad Gupta's Colleagues
Abhishek Kushwaha
CEO & Co-Founder
Delhi, India
Ecochirp Sustainability School
Delhi, India
Ankush kumar
Digital Marketing Executive
Delhi, India
Natasha singh
Project Associate
Delhi, India
Hima Sree
Market Research Intern
Delhi, India
Harshad Gupta has 6 colleagues in total at Ecochirp Sustainability School. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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