Helen Majemite

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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Current employer: Yayi
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 05/06/2024 07:44 AM
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Helen Majemite is from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Helen is currently Chief Executive Officer at Yayi, located in Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria. Helen also works as Chief Executive Officer at Oeetrot Concept, a job Helen has held since Sep 2007.

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Helen Majemite's current jobs
Company: Yayi
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jul 2020 - Present (4 years, 6 months)
Location: Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria

Company Type: A Public Relations and Events Planning curating firm. As the CEO, I drive for new business and in ensuring the needed local and international affiliations/partnerships, supporting the materialization of the business’ footprint and commercial goals are finalized. - Focused on exploring businesses and opportunities in major parts of the world (Ghana, South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Canada and United Kingdom) - We support in the 360° planning process, from company relocation, to Product launch, to planning the company events/seminars, and then planning any needed group tour (The All-In-One package

Company: Oeetrot Concept
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Sep 2007 - Present (17 years, 4 months)
Location: Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria

Company Type: A Logistics and Procurement firm As the CEO, I provide effective leadership for the work force, whilst holding full P & L responsibility and directing growth activities to serve our indigenous and multinational clients firms. • Certified by WEConnect International as a Women Owned Business • Courtesy the strides achieved by the business of Oeetrot Concept under my leadership as CEO, I was appointed a Board Member of Institute of the Workplace and Facilities Management. • Oeetrot Concept Limited was recognized by National Television Authority – The Foremost Television Media in Nigeria. • Serviced well recognized brands in Nigeria within the Public and Private Sector eg. NAFDA FoodService, Africa Petroleum, Punuka Anthony and Solicitors. .

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