Helene w Davis

Owner, Helene Davis Public Relations
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Helene Davis Public Relations
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:27 AM
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Helene works in the following industries: "Public Relations & Communications". Helene is currently President at Helene Davis Public Relations. In Helene's previous role as a Partner at Cohn Davis Associates, Helene worked in until Jan 2006.

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Helene w Davis's current jobs
Company: Helene Davis Public Relations
Title: President
Period: Apr 2005 - Present (19 years, 9 months)

Helene Davis Public Relations is committed to providing comprehensive, personalized service to cultural clients from both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. Areas of expertise include promotion and publicity, institutional identity and strategic planning, benefit and gala promotion. The Company has extensive experience and expertise in promoting and marketing not-for-profit institutions. Helene has enthusiastically promoted dance, theater, films, jazz events, galas and benefits, and literature and book readings. Current and former clients include NYU Skirball, New York City Center and its Fall for Dance Festival and award-winning Encores! series, the Humane Society of New York, Miami City Ballet, Les Ballets Monte Carlo, Nederlands Dans Theatre, Kirov Ballet, Diana Vishneyva: Beauty in Motion, Akram Khan Company, the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (for eight years).

Helene w Davis's past jobs
Company: Cohn Davis Associates
Title: Partner
Period: Jan 2001 - Jan 2006 (5 years)

Prior to establishing her own public relations firm, Helene co-founded Cohn Davis Associates. Clients included New York and national performing arts and cultural institutions, national and international theater and dance companies, arts festivals, performing artists, television and theater productions, orchestras, and international architects. Cohn Davis Associates also specialized in the launch of major new or expanded cultural facilities and architectural projects throughout the United States, and handled the opening of the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts at Bard College, designed by Frank Gehry.

Helene w Davis's top skills
Event Planning Media Relations Copywriting Strategic Communications Marketing Communications Theatre Social Media Marketing Dance Public Relations Strategic Planning Marketing Strategy Nonprofits Entertainment Social Media Publicity Television Festivals Editing Performing Arts Blogging
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