Holly Anne Whyte MITI MCIL Chartered Linguist

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Greater Cambridge Area
Current employer: Whyte Language Services
Current title:
Freelance Translator
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:35 AM
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Holly Anne Whyte MITI MCIL Chartered Linguist is from Greater Cambridge Area. Holly-Anne is currently Freelance Translator at Whyte Language Services, located in Huntingdon, England, United Kingdom.

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Holly Anne Whyte MITI MCIL Chartered Linguist's current jobs
Title: Freelance Translator
Period: Sep 2012 - Present (12 years, 4 months)
Location: Huntingdon, England, United Kingdom

French & Spanish > English Translation & Editing I translate reports, articles, funding requests and similar documents from French and Spanish into clear, concise English. Using my in-depth knowledge of sustainable development, human rights and social sciences-related issues, concepts and terminology, I will work with you to deliver high-impact, fit-for-purpose translations at a fair price. My current clients describe me as reliable, professional and helpful. Let me help you break down language barriers, communicate effectively and achieve your goals. Specializations Development & Governance: Social movements & civil society organizations Non-governmental organizations, charities & third sector organizations Social policy & social protection Sustainable development Governance & corporate social responsibility (CSR) European Works Councils Human Rights: International human rights law United Nations conventions Indigenous peoples' rights Women's rights Children's rights Gender & gender-based violence (GBV) International Law & Cooperation: European Union Council of Europe United Nations Intergovernmental organizations Civil & commercial law International Migration: Refugees & asylum seekers Immigration & integration Document types Academic articles Funding applications Project reports Policy papers Corporate reports Blog posts

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