Hugh Houtman

--Research Engineering Physicist / Retired
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LinkedIn: Hugh Houtman
Location: 加拿大 英属哥伦比亚 阿伯兹福德
Current employer:
Houtman Designs
Current title:
Horologist & Owner / Retired
Last updated: 16/04/2024 12:02 PM
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Hugh Houtman is from 加拿大 英属哥伦比亚 阿伯兹福德. Hugh works in the following industries: "工业设计/机械设计". Hugh is currently Horologist & Owner / Retired at Houtman Designs. In Hugh's previous role as a research engineer at department of physics, university of british columbia, Hugh worked in Department of Physics, University of British Columbia until Mar 1993. Prior to joining department of physics, university of british columbia, Hugh was a engineering physicist / computer programmer at triumf and held the position of engineering physicist / computer programmer at University of British Columbia south campus, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

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Hugh Houtman's current jobs
Company: Houtman Designs
Title: Horologist & Owner / Retired
Period: Oct 2001 - Present (23 years, 3 months)
Hugh Houtman's past jobs
Company: department of physics, university of british columbia
Title: research engineer
Period: May 1974 - Mar 1993 (18 years, 10 months)
Location: Department of Physics, University of British Columbia
Company: triumf
Title: engineering physicist / computer programmer
Period: May 1971 - May 1974 (3 years)
Location: University of British Columbia south campus, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hugh Houtman's education
university of british columbia
Hugh Houtman's top skills
horology, fine mechanisms straight-line linkages for tractors
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