Hugo Jagers
Hugo Jagers is from Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands. Hugo is currently Controller at GaiaZOO, located in Kerkrade, Limburg, Netherlands. In Hugo's previous role as a Financial Controller at Ten Cate Enbi, Hugo worked in until Jul 2009. Prior to joining Ten Cate Enbi, Hugo was a Financial Controller at Ten Cate Enbi International bv and held the position of Financial Controller. Prior to that, Hugo was a Assitant Controller at Ten Cate Enbi from Apr 2002 to Jan 2006.
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Hugo Jagers's current jobs
Verantwoordelijk voor financiƫle administratie Sparringspartner directie, MT Verantwoordelijk voor planning & control cyclus Opstellen periodieke rapportages, investeringsanalyses, balansen, winst en verliesrekeningen, begrotingen, jaarrekening en meerjarenplanning Bewaken cash flow en financiƫle positie GaiaZOO Projecten: - implementatie dynamisch prijsbeleid - projectmanager inleen tender traject - implementatie , uitrol en financiering WiFi in park - analyse en implementatie beschikbare premie stelsel pensioenen - herfinanciering lening - optimaliseren en upgraden management informatiesysteem - SEPA / WKR - diverse fiscale vraagstukken (erfpacht, overdracht, btw etc) - begeleiden fiscaal boekenonderzoek VPB