Hugo Ramos

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Last updated: 17/11/2023 12:26 PM
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Hugo Ramos is from Argentina. Hugo is currently CEO at Skydiving365, located in Argentina. Hugo also works as Vicepresidente regional at Skydiving365, a job Hugo has held since Jan 2011. In Hugo's previous role as a Director General at Humanware Applications, Hugo worked in Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina until Dec 2017. Prior to joining Humanware Applications, Hugo was a Director Comercial at Business Innovations S.A. and held the position of Director Comercial. Prior to that, Hugo was a Socio Gerente at Bi Applications S.A. from Jan 2006 to Mar 2010.

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Hugo Ramos's current jobs
Company: Skydiving365
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2017 - Present (8 years, 1 month)
Location: Argentina

Especialista en SharePoint, Dynamics 365, Power Platform, FLOW, PowerApps y Power Bi y Field Services. Nos orientamos a las áreas de IT, RRHH y Operaciones.

Company: Skydiving365
Title: Vicepresidente regional
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years, 1 month)
Location: Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Especialista en SharePoint, Dynamics 365 y Power Bi y Field Services. Nos orientamos a las áreas de IT, RRHH y operaciones.

Hugo Ramos's past jobs
Company: Humanware Applications
Title: Director General
Period: Jun 2017 - Dec 2017 (6 months)
Location: Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina

En Humanware Applications trabajamos en la estrategia y Comercialización de módulos y productos para el sector de Recursos Humanos. Analizamos y planificamos junto al Dpto. de RRHH las necesidades y proponemos el Portal de SharePoint o CRM a implementar para cubrir el requerimiento. Las soluciones que integramos en SharePoint y CRM están pensadas para el seguimiento y manejo de legajos como la integración con portales para mejorar la administración de documentación.

Company: Business Innovations S.A.
Title: Director Comercial
Period: Mar 2010 - Jan 2011 (10 months)

A cargo de la comercialización de aplicaciones CRM y Portales de Gestión con Sharepoint

Company: Bi Applications S.A.
Title: Socio Gerente
Period: Jan 2006 - Mar 2010 (4 years, 2 months)

Responsable por desarrollo comercial y canales de ventas alternativos. Soluciones de Tableros de Comandos y Balanced ScoreCard.

Hugo Ramos's education
Universidad de Belgrano
Analista de Sistemas
1989 - 1994
Hugo Ramos's top skills
Sharepoint 2010 Visio SOA Data Warehousing ETL Business Intelligence Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Database Design T-SQL Microsoft CRM Crystal Reports SharePoint Microsoft Dynamics Powerbi Microsoft Dynamics CRM SQL Databases Microsoft SQL Server SSIS .NET
Hugo Ramos's Colleagues
Carlos Roberto Di Paola Beneitez
Country Manager
Cristina Venegas (Ella/She/Her)
Directora de ventas
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Ezequiel Keller
Director de operaciones
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Daniel Burbano
Country Manager
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Stefano Cinquemani Eissler
Business Development Manager
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Hugo Ramos has 29 colleagues in total at Skydiving365. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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