Hyeonjoo Min

Marketing Associate at Hanssem US
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LinkedIn: Hyeonjoo Min
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Current employer: Hanssem US
Current title:
Marketing Associate
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:54 PM
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Hyeonjoo Min is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Hyeonjoo is currently Marketing Associate at Hanssem US, located in Edison, New Jersey, United States.

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Hyeonjoo Min's current jobs
Company: Hanssem US
Title: Marketing Associate
Period: Feb 2020 - Present (4 years, 10 months)
Location: Edison, New Jersey, United States
Hyeonjoo Min's education
Temple University
Bachelor's degree
2017 - 2019
Montgomery County Community College
Associate's degree
2016 - 2017
Hyeonjoo Min's top skills
Time Management Adobe Premiere Pro Social Media Marketing Customer Service Data Analysis Teamwork Adobe Indesign CC Management Marketing Korean Microsoft Word Adobe Illustrator Media Planning Microsoft Excel Research Market Research Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Microsoft PowerPoint Adobe Photoshop Social Media
Hyeonjoo Min's Colleagues
Junoh Park
Strategic Planning Manager
Edison, New Jersey, United States
So Jung Lee
Kitchen Designer
Edison, New Jersey, United States
Seung Hyeon Yeon
Purchasing Associate
Edison, New Jersey, United States
Jieun Lee
Production Management Associate
Edison, New Jersey, United States
Hyeonjoo Min has 14 colleagues in total at Hanssem US. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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Hyeonjoo Min
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