Hylke Muntinga

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Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Hylke Muntinga is from Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. Hylke is currently Founder at NOWATCH, located in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.

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Hylke Muntinga's current jobs
Company: NOWATCH
Title: Founder
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

NOWATCH is a health technology company with a mission to provide the tools to navigate the world of tech. The brand’s flagship product, the NOWATCH, is the first wearable device to measure and predict stress by tracking cortisol, stress hormone, levels. Coupling sleek design with efficacy, the NOWATCH is screenless with a customizable gemstone face, measures a number of health metrics including temperature, heart rate, movement and sleep and is predictive technology, coming to know its wearer and alerting them to potential stress triggers and problems 60 minutes before they start. The goal: to restore balance for complete mind and body wellbeing.

Hylke Muntinga's Colleagues
Nikki Trott
Chief Marketing Officer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Michiel de Koning
Director Of Business Development
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Tessa Lippmann
Director Of Partnerships
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Emilie Tabor
Advisory Board Member
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Timothée Manschot
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Hylke Muntinga has 22 colleagues in total at NOWATCH. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Hylke Muntinga
Hylke-Jan Muntinga
There are 1 other "Hylke Muntinga". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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