Ibrahim Reyes

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Location: Miami, Florida, United States
Current employer:
Puerto Rico Soccer League
Current title:
Co-Chairman and Chief Legal Officer
Last updated: 18/06/2024 09:40 AM
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Ibrahim Reyes is from Miami, Florida, United States. Ibrahim is currently Co-Chairman and Chief Legal Officer at Puerto Rico Soccer League, located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ibrahim also works as Chairman and Chief Legal Officer at Basalt Technologies, a job Ibrahim has held since Oct 2017.

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Ibrahim Reyes's current jobs
Company: Puerto Rico Soccer League
Title: Co-Chairman and Chief Legal Officer
Period: Oct 2017 - Present (7 years, 3 months)
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Co-Chair and Chief Legal Officer Puerto Rico Soccer League, developing professional football soccer supported with SafeStadium projects that double as shelters that resist Cat-5 hurricanes, for islands and coastal areas where sports are played. Signatory, United Nations Sports for Climate Action, committed to building sports venues with resilient/ sustainable materials and powered with clean energies.

Company: Basalt Technologies
Title: Chairman and Chief Legal Officer
Period: Oct 2017 - Present (7 years, 3 months)

Ibrahim Reyes introduced basalt fiber building materials - rebar, columns, and chopped fiber - to sports venues. Resilient and sustainable stadium construction, 70% lighter than steel reduces structural weight, does not rust, meets most construction project budgets, and lowers the carbon footprint. Developing 'proof of concept' projects include #SafeStadium football soccer stadia that double as hurricane-resistant community shelters. BUILDING FOR LIFE

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