Ifraz Razak

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Email: ****
Location: Provo, Utah, United States
Current employer: Adobe Systems
Current title:
Project Manager - Data Management, Supply Chains Operations (SCO)
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:36 AM
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Ifraz Razak is from Provo, Utah, United States. Ifraz is currently Project Manager - Data Management, Supply Chains Operations (SCO) at Adobe Systems.

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Ifraz Razak's current jobs
Company: Adobe Systems
Title: Project Manager - Data Management, Supply Chains Operations (SCO)
Ifraz Razak's Colleagues
John Kraft
Executive Member > Adobe Commerce Partner Council (Magento 2)
San Jose, California, United States
John D. Hannick
Digital Experience: Data | Strategy | Transformation
San Jose, California, United States
Phil Starrett
CTO, Adobe International
San Jose, California, United States
Shivakumar Vaithyanathan
VP, Platform Engineering & Architecture
San Jose, California, United States
Mark Craig Itskowitch
Adobe Certified Instructor(ACI), Adobe Community Professional(ACP), Adobe Campus Leader (ACL)
San Jose, California, United States
Ifraz Razak has 36K+ colleagues in total at Adobe Systems. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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