Igor Pistelak

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Email: ****a@profit-circles.com
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Current employer: Profit-Circles.com
Current title:
COO & Co-Founder, Author
Last updated: 05/07/2023 22:09 PM
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Igor Pistelak is from San Francisco Bay Area. Igor is currently COO & Co-Founder, Author at Profit-Circles.com, located in United States.

You can find Igor Pistelak's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Igor Pistelak's current jobs
Title: COO & Co-Founder, Author
Period: Dec 2013 - Present (11 years, 1 month)
Location: United States

VISUALIZE YOUR WORK Spend less | Grow more | Get profitable faster Profit Circles represents a refreshing look at operational excellence in a GIG economy - accelerating your growth by operating simply. Our OPS-in-a-BOX platform makes your business "future proof"​ and ready for the fast changing and unpredictable marketplace. While most operational productivity efforts are limited to the individual or a team, our approach extends it to the management of the entire company: http://www.profit-circles.com

Igor Pistelak's Colleagues
Lukáš Kobera
frontend designer, analyst
Mia Pistelak
Developer and UX designer
United States
Igor Pistelak has 2 colleagues in total at Profit-Circles.com. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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