Ilona Sarukhanova

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Email: ****
Location: Georgia
Current employer: Globalink Logistics
Current title:
Customer Service Manager/Move Coordinator
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:11 AM
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Ilona Sarukhanova is from Georgia. Ilona is currently Customer Service Manager/Move Coordinator at Globalink Logistics , located in Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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Ilona Sarukhanova's current jobs
Title: Customer Service Manager/Move Coordinator
Period: Jul 2010 - Present (14 years, 6 months)
Location: Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan

• Keep relationship with agents,branches, transportation companies. • Coordinate export/import transportation processes. • Ensure effective relationship with customers. • Timely inform customers of the local and destination customs regulations, paperwork required for customs clearance as well as of status of the cargo. • Follows all the internal instructions. • Arrange pre-move surveys, ensures providing all necessary instructions to the packing crew such as proper packing material, packing allowance, required documentation and etc. • Carry out filing system as per FAIM and internal quality standards; ensures full complete of mandatory documents in every job file. • Provide full information regarding the cargo insurance to the clients. • Coordinate the process of origin as well as destination services: packing, collection of the shipment from the client, delivery of the goods to the Globalink warehouse/airport/terminal/client’s residence, monitoring further assigned transportation by the agent/client. • Compute prices, discounts, shipping charges as required. • Prepare quotes, invoices and delivery orders through Company’s ERP systems in a timely manner. • Following FIDI/FAIM quality standards. • Perform other tasks as/when required.

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