Ines K

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Email: ****s@kluzinternational.com
Location: Canada
Current employer: Kluz International
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Last updated: 28/05/2024 15:49 PM
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Ines K is from Canada. Ines is currently CEO at Kluz International, located in Fountain Valley, California, United States.

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Ines K's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Apr 1995 - Present (29 years, 9 months)
Location: Fountain Valley, California, United States

At Kluz International we are dedicated to our customers’ and continuously look to incorporate new, innovative, and quality products in our portfolio of offerings. From engravers to CAD software to engravable materials, we partner with leading manufacturers to provide products that enable customers, manufacturers and industrial designers to reduce cost of product development, products on-demand and shorten time-to-market of new products.

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