Ingemar Pongratz

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Email: ****z@fenixscientific.se
Location: Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Current employer:
Letavis AB
Current title:
Co-Founder, CEO LeTavis AB
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:36 AM
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Ingemar Pongratz is from Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden. Ingemar is currently Co-Founder, CEO LeTavis AB at Letavis AB. Ingemar also works as Founder, CEO at Fenix Scientific AB, a job Ingemar has held since Feb 2012. Another title Ingemar currently holds is Founder, CEO at Pongratz Consulting.

Ingemar Pongratz can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Ingemar Pongratz's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Ingemar Pongratz's current jobs
Company: Letavis AB
Title: Co-Founder, CEO LeTavis AB
Period: Jan 2015 - Present (10 years)

LeTavis is a high tech R&D company focusing in planetary health mainly in the agriculture venue. LeTavis seeks out prolific and validated science within the sector for further development. Enhances the methods and/or products in order for commercialization. LeTavis is closely tied to universities and its scientist. We effectively combine science and business innovations. Our business model is considered as a start-up studio and venture builder. www.letavis.com

Company: Fenix Scientific AB
Title: Founder, CEO
Period: Feb 2012 - Present (12 years, 11 months)
Location: Älta, Stockholm County, Sweden

Fenix Scientific AB was established by Ingemar Pongratz and is a holding company for different projects and activities by Ingemar Pongratz. Fenix Scientific owns Pongratz Consulting. Through Pongratz Consulting we support organizations, companies, authorities and other stakeholders to apply for private and public funding. Fenix Scientific AB aims also to develop and commercially exploit scientific knowledge on the beneficial health effects of natural compounds. We collaborate with academic expertise across Europe and are currently planning and establishing our strategies for market entry. Fenix Scientific AB has the potential to become a market leader in the field and was therefore selected to join the Swedish Government incubator ALMI. Fenix Scientific AB and Ingemar Pongratz has with their support worked established a expert team with the necessary skills to enter the market successfully carry out the company plans. Together with ALMI we are also establishing partnerships with different companies and teams to exploit our expertise. More information about our plans are available on the company homepage and if you are interested to know more please don't hesitate to contact us directly http://www.fenixscientific.se/

Company: Pongratz Consulting
Title: Founder, CEO
Period: Aug 2011 - Present (13 years, 5 months)

Founder and CEO of Pongratz Consulting, helping clients and organizations to apply for public funding such as EU funding from Horizon 2020, Eurostars, Erasmus + and other schemes. In addition, we help companies and other organizations to obtain funding from private sources and to plan long term funding strategies Main activities: Planing, preparation, and administration of EU project proposals Planning and implementing project Communication Planning and identification of private funding Development of project communication e-tools Over 50 M EUR successful EU funded projects Consultancy services in the area of cellular signaling, environmental pollution and chemical contaminants Communication and dissemination activities http://www.pongratzconsulting.com/about/team/ingemar-pongratz/

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