Inma Guerra

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Email: ****a@kia.es
Location: Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
Kia España
Current title:
PR & CSR Assistant manager
Last updated: 12/10/2023 06:50 AM
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Inma Guerra is from Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area. Inma is currently PR & CSR Assistant manager at Kia España, located in Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain.

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Inma Guerra's current jobs
Company: Kia España
Title: PR & CSR Assistant manager
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain

- PR Relations and media management. - Events and sponsoring (Motorshows, Product, sports marketing) - RSC communication activities management with foundations (FEDER, Rafa Nadal Academy, etc) - Social Media management and online content creation. - Assistance in Digital Marketing campaigns and influencers programs liasing with Agencies. - Budget management.

Inma Guerra's Colleagues
Eduardo Dívar
Managing Director
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Rafael Alférez
Marketing Director
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Emilio Herrera
President & CEO
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Ramón Toba
Director de postventa
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Carlos Sanchez Sanz
Head of Customer Experience and MECA
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Inma Guerra has 278 colleagues in total at Kia España. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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