Jacob Elziq

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Email: ****
Location: Saratoga, California, United States
Current employer:
Armature Systems, Inc.
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 16/10/2023 12:09 PM
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Jacob Elziq is from Saratoga, California, United States. Jacob is currently Chief Executive Officer at Armature Systems, Inc., located in Santa Clara, California, United States.

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Jacob Elziq's current jobs
Company: Armature Systems, Inc.
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Nov 2013 - Present (11 years, 2 months)
Location: Santa Clara, California, United States

Armature Systems provides security, network, integration and automation services for large enterprises to connect their employees and partners to their data safely. We understand that the software you purchase to secure and run your business do not natively integrate with the way you operate. We write custom integrations and workflows for our customers so they can get the most from their network and security stacks. We are headquartered in the Silicon Valley, self funded, and pride ourselves on providing top level support and service to our customers and partners.

Jacob Elziq's Colleagues
Yousuf Khan
Santa Clara, California, United States
Roger Hale
Advisory Board Member
Santa Clara, California, United States
Minh Hoang
Vice President Sales
Santa Clara, California, United States
Yasir Hanafy
Chief Financial Officer
Santa Clara, California, United States
Alexi Sevastopoulos
Founding Member
Santa Clara, California, United States
Jacob Elziq has 39 colleagues in total at Armature Systems, Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Jacob Elziq
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Escalation Engineer
Sunnyvale, California, United States
Jacob Elziq
Jacob Elziq
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