Jaime Carrasco

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Email: ****o@cgf.com
Location: Greater Toronto Area, Canada
Current employer:
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Canada
Current title:
Investment Advisor & Portfolio Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:41 AM
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Jaime Carrasco is from Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Jaime is currently Investment Advisor & Portfolio Manager at Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Canada, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In Jaime's previous role as a Director of Wealth Management & Associate Portfolio Manager at Scotiabank, Jaime worked in until Dec 2017. Prior to joining Scotiabank, Jaime was a Vice President & Senior Manager at Macquarie Group and held the position of Vice President & Senior Manager.

You can find Jaime Carrasco's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Jaime Carrasco's current jobs
Company: Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Canada
Title: Investment Advisor & Portfolio Manager
Period: Jan 2018 - Present (7 years)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Canaccord Genuity is exactly the place where I want to helm the massive financial storm that lies ahead, as it will be particularly hard on the North American economy as the USD devalues. The fact that Canaccord Genuity generated 65% of their fiscal 2017 revenue from outside of North America will become very reassuring as this financial storm gathers strength through the summer. Canaccord Genuity is one of Canada’s last remaining independent investment firms with $54.5 Billion in assets under administration throughout the UK, Australia, and Canada. I think that we can do great work there because they have the same spirit and drive as the other great Canadian independent investment firms I have had the pleasure be part of.

Jaime Carrasco's past jobs
Company: Scotiabank
Title: Director of Wealth Management & Associate Portfolio Manager
Period: Jan 2014 - Dec 2017 (3 years, 11 months)
Company: Macquarie Group
Title: Vice President & Senior Manager
Period: Jan 2008 - Dec 2013 (5 years, 11 months)
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