Jainam Shah

Co-Founder of CanvasChamp
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LinkedIn: Jainam Shah
Location: Greer, South Carolina, United States
Current employer:
Canvas Champ
Current title:
Canvas Champ
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:19 AM
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Jainam Shah is from Greer, South Carolina, United States. Jainam works in the following industries: "Printing". Jainam is currently Canvas Champ at Canvas Champ, located in Greenville, South Carolina Area.

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Jainam Shah's current jobs
Company: Canvas Champ
Title: Canvas Champ
Period: Jan 2012 - Present (13 years)
Location: Greenville, South Carolina Area

CanvasChamp, a division of Design Print Banner LLC and backed by 20 years of professional print shop experience, is the new online portal launched for canvas printing. Canvas prints are digital images or photographs printed on canvas which gives the feel of an actual painting.

Jainam Shah's top skills
Digital Printing Signs Graphics Photos Banners Canvas Canvas Prints Graphic Arts Wide Format Printing Museums Painting Print
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