James Castle

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Email: ****e@terranovadefense.com
Location: Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Current employer:
Terranova Defense Solutions
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Last updated: 23/10/2023 02:42 AM
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James Castle is from Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States. James is currently CEO, CISO & CSO at Terranova Defense Solutions, located in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

James Castle's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

James Castle's current jobs
Company: Terranova Defense Solutions
Title: CEO, CISO & CSO
Period: Feb 2014 - Present (10 years, 11 months)
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Terranova Defense Solutions is the leader corporate partner in a group of defense corporations recognized as the Terranova Defense Group. This group consists of the following companies: • Terranova Defense Solutions (Lead Management Corporation) • Terranova Defense NFP (Cyber Security Global Alliance) • Terranova Aerospace & Defense Industries • Terranova Maritime Solutions • Terranova Cyber Solutions The Terranova Defense Group is highly specialized in multiple areas which include cybersecurity, aerospace, space, autonomous vehicles, drones, and defense. In the Cybersecurity Sector, Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA) is the world’s largest cyber hub that’s operating in full mutual partnership with Julian Lee’s Techno Planet and Cybersecurity Ecosystem Defense organizations. Our mutual specialties include our cyber accelerator, education, certification, cyber product manufacturing, communications, data centers, cyber accelerators, news and media, podcasts, events and more. Together, we are operating is 20 countries over 6 continents with over 90,000 combined members. In Cybersecurity. Terranova Cyber Solutions works with domestic and international companies who are at risk of digital threats including ransomware and phishing attacks, we have developed a post quantum and blockchain security software solution and cybersecurity hub that work together, to enable the global flow of commerce, access to healthcare, education, quantum product manufacturing and personal freedom. In Aerospace and Defense Sectors our corporation is focused on drones and male rpas technologies, autonomous vehicles, servicing and manufacturing, business services including helping global companies in aerospace move into North American markets and with certification and legislation requirements, and much more. Terranova Defense Solutions has been elected as one of Canada’s Top 100 Defence Companies, a game changer and has received numerous awards in aerospace and defense globally.

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