James Lolicato

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Email: ****s@pridecup.org.au
Location: Greater Melbourne Area
Current employer:
Pride Cup
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:36 AM
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James Lolicato is from Greater Melbourne Area. James is currently Chief Executive Officer at Pride Cup, located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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James Lolicato's current jobs
Company: Pride Cup
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Feb 2018 - Present (6 years, 11 months)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Pride Cup began as a powerful gesture of mateship in a local footy club in country Victoria and has grown into a national movement for change that transcends sport. Players at the Yarra Glen Football Netball Club came up with the idea to support their teammate after he came out as the first openly gay Aussie Rules player at any level of the game, leading a national campaign to tackle homophobia and transphobia in sport. The game saw 50m lines painted in rainbow colours and both teams wore rainbow jumpers to send a message of acceptance to LGBTIQ+ people. It inspired the now annual AFL Pride Game between St Kilda and Sydney and has been replicated in many clubs across the country. Since the first Pride Cup in 2014 it has grown into a national not-for-profit organisation to help local clubs develop and execute their own Pride Cups to promote diversity and inclusion and ensure sport is for everyone.

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