James Veenhoff

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Email: ****s@fronteer.com
Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Current employer:
Embrace Emma foundation
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Last updated: 27/03/2024 16:28 PM
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James Veenhoff is from Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. James is currently Chairman at Embrace Emma foundation. James also works as Founder at House of Denim Foundation, a job James has held since Jul 2009.

James Veenhoff's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

James Veenhoff's current jobs
Company: Embrace Emma foundation
Title: Chairman
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years)

Embrace Emma is a charity foundation, aiming to raise 2 million euros for the metamorphosis/rebuild of the Emma Children's Hospital, part of the AMC Amsterdam. We organise a series of charity fun-raising events, most visible and spectacular of which is the annual Emma's Amazing Fun Raising Night. We recently broke the 1 million euros mark, and this year we aim to raise money for a specially modified and upgraded Intensive Care section. Join us in March of 2014 for the 4th and penultimate edition of Amazing Emma. www.amazingemma.nl

Company: House of Denim Foundation
Title: Founder
Period: Jul 2009 - Present (15 years, 6 months)
Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

The House of Denim Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that aims to connect and inspire key stakeholders in the denim industry to take it 'Towards a Brighter Blue'. Together with a network of partners, sponsors, supporters and kindred spirits throughout the industry value chain, we conceive and initiate projects to make denim dryer, cleaner and smarter. Our activities are focuses around three pillars: - Advocate the Good - Collaborate for the Better - Educate the Best Our key projects include: - The Jean School (and Jean School International Course) - Denim City (with its Blue Lab, Workshop, Archive, Store and Academy) - Amsterdam Denim Days - Global Denim Awards - a series of sustainability projects focused on Clean Laundry and Post-Consumer Refibered Denim - Denim Diplomacy (industry/city/country networking to drive dialogue, business & sustainability)

Other people named James Veenhoff
James Veenhoff
Co-founder and head of brand development
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