Jamie Damato Migdal

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Location: Greater Chicago Area
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Founder and CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Jamie Damato Migdal is from Greater Chicago Area. Jamie Damato is currently Founder and CEO at FetchFind, located in Morton Grove, Illinois, United States.

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Jamie Damato Migdal's current jobs
Company: FetchFind
Title: Founder and CEO
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: Morton Grove, Illinois, United States

"Hire Character. Train Skill." -- Peter Schutz. FetchFind, an established leader in professional pet education, provides pet care businesses with a robust e-learning platform subscription, resulting in increased staff retention and higher margins. 125,000 US pet care service businesses capture a U.S. market share of $23 Billion per year, yet, are plagued with 125% staff turnover due to antiquated hiring and training solutions. FetchFind finally gives pet care businesses what they need to grow and sustain a team of qualified pet professionals.

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