Jamie Jenkins

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Email: ****e@jamie-jenkins.com
Location: Greater Philadelphia
Current employer: Jamie Jenkins Consulting LLC
Current title:
Business Management Consultant
Last updated: 06/06/2023 23:26 PM
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Jamie Jenkins is from Greater Philadelphia. Jamie is currently Business Management Consultant at Jamie Jenkins Consulting LLC, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.

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Jamie Jenkins's current jobs
Title: Business Management Consultant
Period: Oct 2013 - Present (11 years, 3 months)
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

As an organizational effectiveness expert, I guide business owners and aspiring CEOs in their growth journeys. My philosophy centers on transforming "vision to execution", actualizing potential, and fostering sustainable growth. I catalyze change by transmuting strategic visions into measurable metrics and actionable plans. My approach nurtures self-sufficiency by building focused teams and empowering them to manage strategic processes. Here are some of the ways I've helped my clients: ♾️ Strategically aligned executive teams through immersive planning sessions, crafting a united mission, vision, and values. ♾️ Propelled business transformation by fusing strategies into actionable plans and quantifiable outcomes. ♾️ Established enduring in-house strategic management capabilities, aiding client autonomy. ♾️ Conducted comprehensive readiness assessments, addressing potential challenges to ensure seamless transitions. ♾️ Streamlined business processes through automation, improving operational efficiency and compliance. ♾️ Nurtured leadership capabilities through an intensive training program grounded in adult-learning principles. ♾️ Provided individual executive coaching, enhancing competencies in Leadership, Project Management, and Strategic Planning. ♾️ Piloted the startup phase of a sizable international development project, overseeing team recruitment, project kickoff, and integrated planning. ♾️ Led the strategic development of a market-driven Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business program. ♾️ Industries Served: Ed-Tech, Legal, Digital Marketing, Agro-Business, Coaching, International Economic Development, Health & Wellness ♾️ Client Profiles: Multinational corporations, Start-Ups, Scale-Ups, National Business Associations, SMEs, NGOs, and International Development Cooperations.

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