Jamie Smith

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Email: ****h@jamiesmithstrategic.com
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Current employer: Jamie Smith Strategic
Current title:
Founder and Principal
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Jamie Smith is from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Jamie is currently Founder and Principal at Jamie Smith Strategic, located in Sherwood, Queensland, Australia.

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Jamie Smith's current jobs
Title: Founder and Principal
Period: Jul 2021 - Present (3 years, 6 months)
Location: Sherwood, Queensland, Australia

Strategic advisory and consulting services to help clients to grow their business through identifying, engaging with and securing new clients. Development of corporate and business strategy by defining current and future business offerings as well as prospective target markets and customers to be served. Clarifying what emerging technologies are and how (if at all) they can deliver functionality to meet customer needs and whether or not there is a business case to invest in them.

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