Janeth Ambrosio Customer Care Specialist Amazon Virtual Assistant

Let me take the burden off your shoulders by handling the customer service and administrative tasks of your business so you can focus on the essential aspect and spend more time with the people that matter to you.
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:31 AM
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Janeth Ambrosio -Customer Care Specialist/Amazon Virtual works in the following industries: "Printing", and "Business Supplies & Equipment". In Janeth Ambrosio -Customer Care Specialist/Amazon Virtual's previous role as a Accounts Receivable Specialist at Magic Trading Company LLC Sharjah UAE, Janeth Ambrosio -Customer Care Specialist/Amazon Virtual worked in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates until Jun 2021.

Come check out Janeth Ambrosio Customer Care Specialist Amazon Virtual Assistant's email address on finalscout.com, a free professional database with 500 million business professionals and 200 million companies.

Janeth Ambrosio Customer Care Specialist Amazon Virtual Assistant's past jobs
Title: Accounts Receivable Specialist
Period: Apr 2018 - Jun 2021 (3 years, 2 months)
Location: Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

As an Accounts Receivable Specialist, I was responsible for preparing and issuing invoices to our customers, receiving their payments, and managing the day-to-day Receivables report. I was also dealing with invoice-related correspondences and was responsible for answering the customer's billing queries, and initiating collections for those credit customers whose accounts are already due. I worked in this company for a total of 8 years. April 2009 - March 2014 April 2018 - June 2021

Janeth Ambrosio Customer Care Specialist Amazon Virtual Assistant's education
Saint Louis University - Maryheights Campus, Baguio City
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications
1997 - 2002
Janeth Ambrosio Customer Care Specialist Amazon Virtual Assistant's top skills
Communication Customer Service Administrative Assistance Interpersonal Skills English Chat Problem Solving Virtual Assistance Amazon FBA Accounts Receivable (AR)
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