Janine Kirk AO

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Email: ****k@housingfirst.org.au
Location: Greater Melbourne Area
Current employer: HousingFirst Ltd
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Last updated: 01/06/2023 08:49 AM
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Janine Kirk AO is from Greater Melbourne Area. Janine is currently Chairperson at HousingFirst Ltd, located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Janine also works as Chairperson at Phoenix Australia, a job Janine has held since May 2019. Another title Janine currently holds is Chairperson at The Melbourne Prize Trust.

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Janine Kirk AO's current jobs
Company: HousingFirst Ltd
Title: Chairperson
Period: Sep 2020 - Present (4 years, 3 months)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

HousingFirst is an affordable and social housing Association. The organization's holistic, locally-focused approach is leading the way in how community housing is designed, financed, built and managed.

Company: Phoenix Australia
Title: Chairperson
Period: May 2019 - Present (5 years, 7 months)
Location: Carlton, Victoria, Australia

Phoenix Australia is the Australian Centre of Excellence for Posttraumatic Mental Health. We understand trauma and renew lives.

Company: The Melbourne Prize Trust
Title: Chairperson
Period: Jan 2004 - Present (20 years, 11 months)

The Melbourne Prize Trust was established in 2004 to provide financial and professional development opportunities to artists by running the annual Melbourne Prize which operates in a three year cycle including Urban Sculpture, Literature and Music. The objective of the Trust is to recognize and reward excellence and talent; to inspire creative development; and to enrich public life.

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