Jason Graves M S Realtor
Jason Graves M S Realtor is from Greater Phoenix Area. Jason works in the following industries: "Real Estate". Jason is currently Licensed Realtor at DPR Realty LLC, located in Mesa, Arizona, United States. Jason also works as Founder & Personal Coach at The SoulHealers Counseling & Coaching, a job Jason has held since May 2004. In Jason's previous role as a Realtor® at Phoenix Metro Properties at Phoenix Metro Properties, Jason worked in until Jul 2021. Prior to joining Phoenix Metro Properties, Jason was a Realtor® at Coldwell Banker and held the position of Realtor® at United States.
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Jason Graves M S Realtor's current jobs
The SoulHealers Counseling & Coaching is my private coaching practice. Specializing in brain-based struggles like depression, anxiety, compulsivity/impulsivity and anger issues, our team serves a local, national, and international clientèle using an innovative, faith-based approach that can involve individual, couples, and/or group therapy over the telephone or Zoom. In addition, SH has pioneered the use of the private teleconference, professionally-facilitated recovery groups focusing on recovery for men, for their wives, for teens and for their parents.
Jason Graves M S Realtor's past jobs
Serving home sellers and buyers in the Greater Phoenix area and East Valley.
Along with coaching, I now also find you the best Realtor® near you for free-they do a better job for you as a friend of mine & pay me themselves...not you. "Ask me how I can help you TODAY...anywhere in the U.S. of A!" AZ sellers and buyers: I help you directly here as well. Text/direct: 7195026225 . web: www.jasongravescb.com