Jason Marmon

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Boise, Idaho, United States
Current employer: Soil Health Academy
Current title:
Board Member
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Jason Marmon is from Boise, Idaho, United States. Jason is currently Board Member at Soil Health Academy, located in Fort Payne, Alabama, United States.

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Jason Marmon's current jobs
Title: Board Member
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Fort Payne, Alabama, United States

The Soil Health Academy: Regenerating hope and healing in the heartland. The wide-spread adoption of regenerative agriculture has the remarkable potential to restore the health of our bodies, our farms, our communities, and our planet, as well as the economic viability of our nation’s farms and rural communities. But unless farmers and ranchers can learn how to practically and successfully apply soil health-improving principles on their land, the likelihood of scalable regenerative agriculture adoption is remote. Soil Health Academy was created specifically to address this critical issue. SHA, a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, focuses its efforts on helping farmers first UNDERSTAND and then successfully apply nature’s time-proven, regenerative agriculture principles today—in order to grow healthier soil, food, farms and communities for tomorrow. Inquire about participation, events, curriculum, and sponsorship around Soil Health Academy's

Jason Marmon's Colleagues
Dawn Striegel
Assistant Coordinator
Fort Payne, Alabama, United States
Jason Marmon has 1 colleagues in total at Soil Health Academy. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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