Javi Rodriguez Serrano

Research and development en Gtec
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Email: ****z@gtec.at
Location: Greater Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Current employer: g.tec medical engineering GmbH
Current title:
Research and development
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:55 PM
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Javi Rodriguez Serrano is from Greater Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Javi Rodriguez works in the following industries: "Research", "Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering", "Medical Device", and "Transportation/Trucking/Railroad". Javi Rodriguez is currently Research and development at g.tec medical engineering GmbH, located in Schiedelberg, Austria. In Javi Rodriguez's previous role as a Developer at Igriega, Javi Rodriguez worked in Barcelona y alrededores, España until Jul 2012. Prior to joining Igriega, Javi Rodriguez was a I+D (Informatico) at Imagsa Technologies S.A. and held the position of I+D (Informatico) at Barcelona y alrededores, España. Prior to that, Javi Rodriguez was a Exchange researcher and developer in UCL (Bèlgium) at UCL, based in Bruselas y alrededores, Bélgica from Feb 2010 to Sep 2010. Javi Rodriguez started working as Engineer at Thinking Forward in Barcelona y alrededores, España in Jan 2010. From Sep 2007 to Feb 2010, Javi Rodriguez was Researcher and Developer at UPC, based in Barcelona y alrededores, España.

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Javi Rodriguez Serrano's current jobs
Title: Research and development
Period: Jun 2012 - Present (12 years, 7 months)
Location: Schiedelberg, Austria

Research on BCI systems, development of new strategies and paradigms and implementation of the developed solutions as standalone products in high level languages. Additionally responsible for user experience, user interfaces and final product look and feel.

Javi Rodriguez Serrano's past jobs
Company: Igriega
Title: Developer
Period: Jan 2011 - Jul 2012 (1 year, 6 months)
Location: Barcelona y alrededores, España

Multimedia component developer, mainly webstes and components oriented for hand-held devices, projectors and other unusual interfaces.

Company: Imagsa Technologies S.A.
Title: I+D (Informatico)
Period: Jan 2011 - Jan 2011
Location: Barcelona y alrededores, España

Computer vision in traffic environments. Plate number detection and identification, traffic light control, access control and user interface design and implementation.

Company: UCL
Title: Exchange researcher and developer in UCL (Bèlgium)
Period: Feb 2010 - Sep 2010 (7 months)
Location: Bruselas y alrededores, Bélgica

6 months stay in Louvain la Neuve (Brussels). Member of the TELElab and part of the VIGILE project. Design and develop of a method for creating 2D maps from the 3D volumes of pulmonary arteries and developing a navigation system based on those maps

Company: Thinking Forward
Title: Engineer
Period: Jan 2010 - Feb 2010 (1 month)
Location: Barcelona y alrededores, España

Start up of an Spin-Off as an offspring of an university project. Right after setting up the company and achieving the 2nd award in the INNOVA - ACC1Ó contest, I quit to move to Belgium and join a biomedical research group more in line with my expectations.

Company: UPC
Title: Researcher and Developer
Period: Sep 2007 - Feb 2010 (2 years, 5 months)
Location: Barcelona y alrededores, España

Fellowship at the Dep. of Automatic Control of the Technical University of Catalonia. UPC Research done: • Robotics-computer interfaces • 6D haptic robot-human interfaces with 6D feed-back • Addition of virtual fixtures to the workspace of the robot and implementation of the physics necessary for the realistic 6D feedback when collisions with this virtual fixtures appear. • Eye-tracking based interface as a human interface device or HID.

Javi Rodriguez Serrano's education
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Ingeniero técnico en Informática de Sistémas
Universitat de Barcelona
Master's degree on Biomedical engineering
Université catholique de Louvain
Master's degree on Biomedical Engineering
Javi Rodriguez Serrano's top skills
WPF C (programación) Python I+D PHP Matlab Ingeniería de software UI Java LaTeX Linux UX Programación Aprendizaje automático Algoritmos Visión artificial C# Scrum MySQL C++
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