Jayant Yadav

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Email: ****v@equicapasia.com
Location: Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Current employer:
Equicap Asia Pte Ltd
Current title:
Chief Investment Officer & Co-Founder
Last updated: 11/10/2023 17:22 PM
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Jayant Yadav is from Gurgaon, Haryana, India. Jayant is currently Chief Investment Officer & Co-Founder at Equicap Asia Pte Ltd, located in Delhi, India.

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Jayant Yadav's current jobs
Company: Equicap Asia Pte Ltd
Title: Chief Investment Officer & Co-Founder
Period: May 2016 - Present (8 years, 8 months)
Location: Delhi, India

Equicap Asia is an infrastructure investment manager where we invest and develop infrastructure projects. Our current portfolio of projects span infra sub-sectors such as Renewable Energy (solar, biomass & hydro power), Affordable Housing and Agri-Infrastructure. As a team of investment and project management professionals, we work on sustainable infrastructure projects that provide strong returns by setting up strong contractual frameworks and solid financing to ensure the long term success of infrastructure projects. Equicap also works on providing solar power solutions for C&I power requirements by developing and implementing solar projects in India (current efforts focused in Maha / Raj). Equicap also actively provides project management expertise across the ME & Asia regions spanning feasibility studies, permitting, negotiations on off-take agreements , tendering, EPC contracts, technology selection, raising debt and equity funds.

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