Jayne Algermissen

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Spring, Texas, United States
Current title:
CEO/ Project Management Consultant
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:42 AM
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Jayne Algermissen is from Spring, Texas, United States. Jayne is currently CEO/ Project Management Consultant at Maven https://www.linkedin.com/redir/general-malware-page?url=Solutions%2eBiz, located in Spring, Texas, United States.

You can find Jayne Algermissen's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Jayne Algermissen's current jobs
Title: CEO/ Project Management Consultant
Period: Aug 2014 - Present (10 years, 5 months)
Location: Spring, Texas, United States

CEO/Program/Project Management Consultant Membership Certification Client: - Provide advisory and management consulting in Program/ Project Management based on Agile principals established through PMI and Cornell standards. - Infrastructure Support - Developed implementation approach for Salesforce and Zuora resulting in an automated and auditable process for increasing sales of conferences, memberships and certifications. - Performance-driven management built and utilized the Azure/VSTS application to report burn rates and performance of the development team in order to track milestones and meet deadlines. - Advised in the selection and implementation of CMS platform SharePoint Implementation and Customization Client - Provide the structure and support for remote and international teams. - Served in a role as the primary client contact and interface heavily with multiple client’s senior management, technical and build requirements for software engineering teams. - Project planning and tracking of billable hours to the SOW in order to bring project in on time and under budget. Project Manager for AI Customer Web Site Launches - Served as the managing director of a remote team building websites for a start-up think tank, personal professor site and AI Dept at MIT Project Manager for Studios: Managed cross-functional teams, created project plans and tracked. Reviewed applications for purchase and negotiated partnerships, vendors - Project Manager for Subscription Box company partnered with Disney, National Geographic, and Mattel (Curated boxes, researched international shipping, researched fulfillment distribution companies) - PM for author and consultant (Negotiated international speaking engagements, project management of personal and official websites, vendors, edit lecture and ed. content, event planning.) - Director of Sales SaaS client, managed a team of 10 international appoint. setters, 4 account managers and the driving force for market expansion.

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