Jean Barry Cruz

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Email: ****z@ruacorp.com
LinkedIn: Jean Barry Cruz
Location: Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines
Current employer: Rua Seguridad Corp.
Current title:
Founder and CEO
Last updated: 12/01/2024 09:02 AM
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Jean Barry Cruz is from Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines. Jean Barry works in the following industries: "Construction". Jean Barry is currently Founder and CEO at Rua Seguridad Corp., located in Quezon City, National Capital Region, Philippines.

You can find Jean Barry Cruz's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Jean Barry Cruz's current jobs
Title: Founder and CEO
Period: Jun 2006 - Present (18 years, 7 months)
Location: Quezon City, National Capital Region, Philippines

The fastest growing road marking company in the Philippines.

Jean Barry Cruz's education
Ateneo Graduate School of Business
Post Graduate
2011 - 2012
Thames International Business School
2004 - 2008
Colegio San Agustin-Makati
High School
2002 - 2003
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