Jean Loup Fayolle

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Taiwan
Current employer: Wholistic Communication
Current title:
Communication Coach with the five senses
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:36 AM
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Jean Loup Fayolle is from Taiwan. Jean-Loup is currently Communication Coach with the five senses at Wholistic Communication, located in Taiwan.

You can find Jean Loup Fayolle's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Jean Loup Fayolle's current jobs
Title: Communication Coach with the five senses
Period: Jan 2010 - Present (15 years)
Location: Taiwan

Wholistic Communication is specialized in “Communication with the five senses” for CEOs and their employees/partners. We achieve this through training coaches and sharing the benefits of our extensive experience in this field. Our new practical approaches and tools help to create a healthy environment which helps to resolve companies’ communication challenges. For example, our “Assessments of the use of the five senses in communication” can help anyone to improve any “one minute presentation” in order to get an appointment, introduce oneself, speak in public or reach an agreement. Wholistic Communication also employs easy to use techniques for completely relieving issues such as jetlag, and preventing most common stresses and fears. It promotes respect, joy, faith, and the evolution of new projects and the probability of making correct decisions in the right time. Jean-Loup Fayolle, MBA, is bringing 30 years of experience working with leading CEOs. He has performed more than 100 conferences/workshops in the United States and Europe. He is the author Driiving One’s Life (2001) and Joy over Fear (2007). He believes that companies worldwide are increasingly more predisposed to have their team involved in the Wholistic Communication approach as they have a natural understanding of the link between behaviors and the balance of the body. He is helping companies to take a new look on their organization using a healthy human body as a basic reference. He is personally convinced that Taiwanese companies can bring to the world a new Ethical model of management.

Jean Loup Fayolle's Colleagues
Chia Wei Tan
Independant partner of Wholistic Communication
Jean Loup Fayolle has 1 colleagues in total at Wholistic Communication. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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