Jean Qiao
Jean Qiao is from 美国 加利福尼亚 蒙提贝罗. Jean works in the following industries: "包装与容器制造", and "零售". Jean is currently Manager at New Journey Packaging Inc., located in Greater Los Angeles Area. In Jean's previous role as a Procurement Consultant at Orora North America, Jean worked in Buena Park, California until Apr 2016. Prior to joining Orora North America, Jean was a Category Manager at Orora North America and held the position of Category Manager at Buena Park, CA. Prior to that, Jean was a Strategic Sourcing Manager at Landsberg Orora, based in Montebello, CA from Aug 2006 to Dec 2009. Jean started working as Consultant at U-sys Information System and Consulting in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China in Oct 2002.
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