Jeanette V Millward

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Current employer:
Works In Progress
Current title:
Research Analyst Independent Consultant
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Jeanette V Millward is from Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. Jeanette is currently Research Analyst Independent Consultant at Works In Progress.

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Jeanette V Millward's current jobs
Company: Works In Progress
Title: Research Analyst Independent Consultant
Period: Feb 2007 - Present (17 years, 11 months)

Implemented a new business with a strategic "voice" that offers a variety of services for business professionals in need of research analysis, document review and production with a focus on compliance and policy interfacing that policy with the law. Addressed contract specific matters relevant to employers policy, practice, procedure, MOU (Memorandums Of Understanding) Union relations and Taft Hartley interfacing benefits and Collective Bargaining. Attended Conflict Resolution Dispute Hearings, Individual Hearings with Employees in dispute. Participated in all levels of any potential conflict, audit or development of policy. Drafted various complaints, memorandums, referendums , briefs, resolution agreements, official forms by venue of government. Worked with individuals in crisis or dispute with employers and personal issues. Assisted these individuals with the completion of documents, filing required documents to initiate the resolve of the matter in question. Communicated on government levels by research industry and technical information to quickly get up to speed with the associated industry and governing venue. Provided assistance with Grant Writing using software to manage efficiently delivery tracking, draft content ,and completion of corrections or revised production. Utilized with proficiency software such as Nexis Lexus and Westlaw data bases. Utilized multiple government websites such as the DOJ, EEOC, DOL,and Grants.Gov as well as many others to validate research and compile data for research or compliance report. Initiated opening cases , assisted clients seeking other professional help or services. Filed appeals with in a department or venue. Filed documents with clients in both state and federal appeals. Worked with individuals facing constructive discharge, wrongful termination and other disputed with retaliation and hostile working environments. Services provided to individuals on a pro-bono basis to further their ability to receive justice.

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