Jeff Bullock

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Email: ****k@clridge.com
Location: Baltimore City County, Maryland, United States
Current employer:
Clear Ridge Defense
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:21 AM
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Jeff Bullock is from Baltimore City County, Maryland, United States. Jeff is currently Chief Executive Officer at Clear Ridge Defense, located in Catonsville, Maryland, United States.

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Jeff Bullock's current jobs
Company: Clear Ridge Defense
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Apr 2015 - Present (9 years, 9 months)
Location: Catonsville, Maryland, United States

Responsible for all aspects of business operations for a company supporting USCYBERCOM, the Service Cyber Components, and the greater Intelligence Community in the areas of cyberspace operations, tool development, cyber systems engineering, threat intelligence, digital network analysis, malware forensics, reverse engineering, and other specialized mission support. Forging a technical and operational background with business in mind to create a mission focused, mission driven, and mission first company that focuses on sharing efficiencies and lessons learned between the cyber components in order to provide the best return on investment for our Government clients. Clear Ridge Defense is a Baltimore, Maryland area consulting firm that specializes in acquiring full-spectrum cyberspace talent in support of DOD, industry, and private sector full-spectrum cyberspace efforts. An energetic, growing, & closely-knit firm that has established a reputation for quality, top-notch talent, expertise, and professional integrity in both support and practices. Taking a different approach from many in the industry, Clear Ridge Defense seeks quality of the team and deep-knowledge support efforts over quantity. Clear Ridge Defense judiciously approaches what efforts and the talent required to pursue and fulfill its cyberspace support efforts that spans both DOD and the private sector allowing for unique insight and experience that transcends individual niche sectors of cyberspace. We pride ourselves in our expertise in the following areas: • Specialized Cyber Mission Support and Cyber Planning • Systems Engineering & Software Development • Cyber Tool Development • Network Intelligence and Malware Forensics • Intelligence Analysis & Reporting Recent client support includes MARFORCYBER Advanced Capability Development and cyber systems engineering in the areas of offensive cyber, defensive cyberspace operations, deployable mission support systems, insider threat, and cyber SA.

Jeff Bullock's Colleagues
Sidney Sakota
Chief Information Security Officer
Catonsville, Maryland, United States
Chris Comstock, PMP
Catonsville, Maryland, United States
John H.
Cyber-Enabled IO
Catonsville, Maryland, United States
Vincent Wolterman
Cyber Software Engineer
Catonsville, Maryland, United States
Zachary Ellis
Senior Cyberspace Operations Planner
Catonsville, Maryland, United States
Jeff Bullock has 38 colleagues in total at Clear Ridge Defense. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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