Jeff Shepherd

Owner/CEO, Diffuser World Inc.
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Email: ****d@diamantebrands.com
LinkedIn: Jeff Shepherd
Location: Cedar City, UT
Current employer: Diffuser World Inc.
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Last updated: 09/05/2024 07:57 AM
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Jeff Shepherd is from Cedar City, UT. Jeff works in the following industries: "Alternative Medicine". Jeff is currently CEO at Diffuser World Inc.. In Jeff's previous role as a President - at American Aromatherapy, Jeff worked in until Feb 2010.

Jeff Shepherd's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Jeff Shepherd's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2003 - Present (22 years)

Diffuser World is the World's Leading Designer and Manufacturer of Essential Oil Diffusers and Aromatherapy Systems. The advancements set forth in our Aroma-Ace Nebulizing Diffuser have revolutionized the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils and left the competition in the dark ages.

Jeff Shepherd's past jobs
Company: American Aromatherapy
Title: President -
Period: Jan 1991 - Feb 2010 (19 years, 1 month)
Jeff Shepherd's Colleagues
Kevin Nelson
VP Global Marketing & Sales
Cedar City, Utah, United States
farhad saeidpour
Technical Manager
Cedar City, Utah, United States
Kara Blood
Operations Manager
Cedar City, Utah, United States
Madonna Kemp Ebrite
Affiliate Manager
Shaudean Shepherd
Customer Relations Mgr.
Cedar City, Utah, United States
Jeff Shepherd has 7 colleagues in total at Diffuser World Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Jeff Shepherd
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Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
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Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, United States
Jeff Shepherd
Chief Commercial Officer
Columbia City, Indiana, United States
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Principal Analytics Consultant
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