Jeffrey Kaplan
Jeffrey Kaplan is from Pompano Beach, Florida, United States. Jeffrey works in the following industries: "Retail". Jeffrey is currently Owner at Retrobrands USA LLC, located in United States.
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Jeffrey Kaplan's current jobs
Retrobrands USA LLC specializes in locating famous and iconic brands that have been "abandoned" by their former conglomerate owners. Retrobrands USA LLC acquires these valuable trademarks and then through our Licensees, re-launches and distributes these reformulated brands to the tens of millions of consumers who eagerly await their return to the marketplace. Our properties cover all categories including candy, food, OTC, personal care, pet food and many others. Some success stories include the relaunch of these famous brands: NEXTEL. VICTROLA, CHIPWICH, MODESS, MR. MICROPHONE, DASH, SANI-FLUSH, TEGRIN and many others.