Jennifer Jimbere Prosci CMP CPN

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Email: ****e@cooperators.ca
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Current employer:
Jimbere Coaching and Consulting
Current title:
Director of Operations (Owner)
Last updated: 22/01/2024 15:00 PM
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Jennifer Jimbere Prosci CMP CPN is from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Jennifer Jimbere is currently Director of Operations (Owner) at Jimbere Coaching and Consulting, located in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.

Jennifer Jimbere Prosci CMP CPN's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Jennifer Jimbere Prosci CMP CPN's current jobs
Company: Jimbere Coaching and Consulting
Title: Director of Operations (Owner)
Period: Feb 2011 - Present (13 years, 11 months)
Location: Oakville, Ontario, Canada

As your thought partner, I help you and your change journey. ◾️Extend expert advice and guidance to executive teams on strategic issues to grow the organization and advance it towards becoming an organization of choice. ◾️ Conceptualize and implement coaching, marketing and business development to expand the market share and contribute to profitability growth. ◾️ Develop innovative and technically advanced approaches. ◾️ Facilitate learning to adopt enterprise and individual change initiatives, increase operational efficiencies and improve leadership faculty. Focused on strategy, operating model, organization design, and change management. ◾️ Create plans to assist with multi-million-dollar budgets, growth, team dynamics, leadership and talent management. ◾️Provide fair and constructive feedback, employee performance, training, areas for improvement & possibility of future growth within the organization, ensured training and development needs were addressed. ◾️ Establish and implement client operating plans, performance management, sales, and services best practices that supported increased win rate and performance metrics to evaluate performance in all areas of business. ◾️ Establish goals, motivate staff, provided ongoing incentives to fuel top-tier results, elaborated and executed programs. ◾️ Manage operational budgets to ensure optimal results and progressive approaches. KEY AWARDS & RECOGNITION ★ RBC Women Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards Nominee (x4) ★ Oakville Beaver Readers’ Choice Award - Best Business Consulting Services (X2) ★ 2021 Innovation and Excellence Award Winner / Corporate LiveWire ★ 2023 Profitability Impact Consultant of the Year / Corporate Livewire ★ 2023 Businesswomen of the Year Award & Positivity Award nominee ★ 2023 Compassionate Leaders Circle Award ► Learn about the services available >>> https://jimberecoachingandconsulting.com/services/ ☎️ (416) 939-8645 💻 Email me at jennifer@jimberecoachingandconsulting.com

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