Jennifer Knapp

Vice-President Knapp Fasteners Inc
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Email: ****y@knappfast.com
LinkedIn: Jennifer Knapp
Location: Canada
Current employer:
Knapp Fasteners Inc.
Current title:
Owner/Executive Vice-President
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:40 AM
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Jennifer Knapp is from Canada. Jennifer works in the following industries: "Wholesale". Jennifer is currently Owner/Executive Vice-President at Knapp Fasteners Inc., located in Cambridge. In Jennifer's previous role as a Board of Governors at Conestoga College, Jennifer worked in until Aug 2021. Prior to joining Conestoga College, Jennifer was a Program Advisory Council Member for Centre for Entrepreneurship at Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning and held the position of Program Advisory Council Member for Centre for Entrepreneurship at Kitchener, Ontario. Prior to that, Jennifer was a Buyer at Spae-Naur from Apr 1984 to Feb 1987.

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Jennifer Knapp's current jobs
Company: Knapp Fasteners Inc.
Title: Owner/Executive Vice-President
Period: Feb 1987 - Present (37 years, 11 months)
Location: Cambridge
Jennifer Knapp's past jobs
Title: Board of Governors
Period: Sep 2015 - Aug 2021 (5 years, 11 months)

Our mandate is to administer the affairs of Conestoga, establishing overall goals, objectives and strategic direction for the College and provide oversight and stewardship to ensure that Conestoga is effectively and efficiently fulfilling its mission. I am serving a 3 year term from 2015-2018.

Title: Program Advisory Council Member for Centre for Entrepreneurship
Period: Apr 2014 - Aug 2021 (7 years, 4 months)
Location: Kitchener, Ontario

Serving a dual role with a position on the Advisory Council for the Centre for Entrepreneurship and on the Committee for the Small Business Ventures graduate program at Conestoga College. Combined these two roles consist of providing advice on the development of entrepreneurial programs, services and partnerships. In addition to provide advice regarding the program design and curriculum. Our goal is to ensure that graduates gain the knowledge and skills required to launch and/or manage a small business effectively.

Company: Spae-Naur
Title: Buyer
Period: Apr 1984 - Feb 1987 (2 years, 10 months)
Jennifer Knapp's education
1981 - 1984
St marys.
St marys.
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