Jennifer Louden

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Upper Marlboro, Maryland, United States
Current employer:
JDW Group
Current title:
President, CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:20 AM
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Jennifer Louden is from Upper Marlboro, Maryland, United States. Jennifer is currently President, CEO at JDW Group.

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Jennifer Louden's current jobs
Company: JDW Group
Title: President, CEO
Period: Jan 2009 - Present (16 years)

Founded in 2009, JDW Group is a Woman Owned small disadvantaged business that has helped government agencies, companies, make the most out of their business management and operational presence. JDW Group offers the knowledge and experience to enable small business to establish readiness across the disciplines of Program Management Office, Proposal Management, Pricing support, Financial Management Support Services, Policy and Procedure development and administrative Intelligence, National Security, Defense, Contract Compliance, support services. JDW Group personnel have supported the Maryland Procurement Office (MPO) supporting programs within the Intelligence Community, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), US Air Force, and the Federal Aviation Administration. Our corporate expertise includes, experience providing overall program leadership and direction to project teams, whereby our personnel aligns the programs with the organizational mission and strategy to assure that the Divisional financial and performance goals are achieved. We are experienced in identifying, marketing, capturing, and securing programs within the Federal Government market, this includes, researching, targeting, and qualifying business opportunities and leads. We offer a wealth of experience in the areas of: Program/Project Management, Contract Administration to include a comprehensive review of existing contracts for scope and deliverable requirements. We offer contractual document preparation, review and negotiation services. Our GSA Schedule development includes analysis of the applicable schedule for your organization, file preparation and submission to GSA. Followed by negotiation with GSA contracting officers to ensure a successful award. Follow on support is provided to meet the contractual reporting requirements of GSA such as SIP file transfers, 72A online sales reporting, GSA Annual audits, GSA Advantage updates, and Mass modification review and acceptance.

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Kensington, England, United Kingdom
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